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Alternative Energy in Philippines


Main » Articles » Renewable Energy » Renewable Energy News in the Philippines

Going green, way to a sustainable future

Going green, way to a sustainable future

December 21, 2009, 6:04pm


Many local businesses are adopting the green path and investing in sustainable practices. Going green means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly, ecologically responsible decisions, and lifestyles which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. From an investor point of view, where there is cost, there is a flow of capital and opportunity. As a result businesses are looking at the opportunities that green ventures offer.

At the international investor Forum on Climate Change in New York and at the recent Always Going Green West Conference in San Francisco, California, United States, global investors called for strong action to control global warming and asserted that unmitigated climate change poses a threat to the world economy.

Participants at the two forums said building a low-carbon economy creates opportunity for investment in new technologies that promise to transform society in the same way as the introduction of electricity or railway did in the past. Quantifying the cost of carbon emission seems the most urgent and logical step.

This has proved to be profitable for two of the country’s leading beer and beverage manufacturers which have been implementing pro-environment programs in their respective plants. They have improved engineering operations to be able to recover carbon dioxide coming out of their boilers which is used in beer carbonation at the last stage of the beer brewing process. After putting up capital for additional carbon dioxide reservoirs, they now earn three times the amount they invested for carbon dioxide recovery.

With growing popularity, going green is in: We now have green cars plying the Makati route, green zone coaches at the LRT for cyclists with foldable bikes; and a green building coming up in the heart of Makati. The latest additions to businesses that are going beyond just earnings is a progressive Makati industrial house involved in banking, telecoms, waterworks, and land development. Officials of the conglomerate unveiled the new sustainable development thrust of the group-looking after the welfare of the people, protecting the environment, protecting the planet, and producing decent profits.

For quite sometime, the focus of most businesses was on profitability and growth. Businesses today are going beyond governance and are pursuing more aggressively a new measure of corporate success – a formula of doing business with a conscience and being accountable for the implications of their actions. By all indications, there is a green victory on the way for the country which revolves around renewable energy and clean technologies.

Category: Renewable Energy News in the Philippines | Added by: Aries (24 Dec 2009)
Views: 240 | Tags: sustainable future, green, renewable energy sources | Rating: 0.0/0
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