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Alternative Energy in Philippines


Main » Articles » Renewable Energy

Entries in section: 4
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Let us begin the New Year on a positive note by highlighting the fact that things are looking rosy for the country’s emerging renewable energy industry as investments in so-called green technology soared at the close of 2009, auspiciously ushering in 2010...(Read More)
Renewable Energy News in the Philippines | Views: 238 | Added by: Aries | Date: 04 Jan 2010 | Comments (0)

Many local businesses are adopting the green path and investing in sustainable practices. Going green means to pursue knowledge and practices that can lead to more environmentally friendly, ecologically responsible decisions, and lifestyles which can help protect the environment and sustain its natural resources for current and future generations. From an investor point of view, where there is cost, there is a flow of capital and opportunity. As a result businesses are looking at the opportunities that green ventures offer...(Read More)
Renewable Energy News in the Philippines | Views: 239 | Added by: Aries | Date: 24 Dec 2009 | Comments (0)

Harnessing new frontier in electricity generation

With trepidation over climate change risks, the charted path toward the world’s energy future conjures shift to cleaner energy options - and it invariably factors in renewable energy (RE) into the equation.
..(Read More)
Renewable Energy News around the World | Views: 1586 | Added by: Aries | Date: 22 Dec 2009 | Comments (0)

What is renewable energy?

Today we rely mostly on fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. There is only a limited supply. In other words, they are nonrenewable resources. Fossil fuels also create pollution when they are burned. Renewable energy cannot be used up, and it does not generate pollution. It is sustainable energy. Another way of looking at the impact of using or, in this case, not using renewable energy sources, is to imagine planet Earth as a spaceship. As we orbit the sun through space, we carry with us a limited supply of air, fresh water, coal, oil and natural gas. All of our trash and pollution must stay with us on board our spaceship. As the world's population grows we use more supplies. Pollution also increases. Spaceship earth is so huge that in the past, people believed that its resources would never run out. Some also thought that it could not be hurt by pollution. Recently, it has come to our attention that we are treating the earth badly. This is not fair to future generations that will inherit this planet....(Read More)

Renewable Energy Blog in the Philippines | Views: 7455 | Added by: Aries | Date: 11 Dec 2009 | Comments (1)