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Alternative Energy in Philippines


Main » Articles » Renewable Energy » Renewable Energy Blog in the Philippines

Renawable Energy and Sustainability
What is renewable energy?

renewable energyToday we rely mostly on fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. There is only a limited supply. In other words, they are nonrenewable resources. Fossil fuels also create pollution when they are burned. Renewable energy cannot be used up, and it does not generate pollution. It is sustainable energy. Another way of looking at the impact of using or, in this case, not using renewable energy sources, is to imagine planet Earth as a spaceship. As we orbit the sun through space, we carry with us a limited supply of air, fresh water, coal, oil and natural gas. All of our trash and pollution must stay with us on board our spaceship. As the world's population grows we use more supplies. Pollution also increases. Spaceship earth is so huge that in the past, people believed that its resources would never run out. Some also thought that it could not be hurt by pollution. Recently, it has come to our attention that we are treating the earth badly. This is not fair to future generations that will inherit this planet.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability means that we make sure we meet our energy needs now without preventing future generations from meeting theirs. Eventually, we will run out of nonrenewable energy supplies like coal, oil and natural gas. Long before that, the pollution caused by using these energy sources will become a serious problem. "One statistic makes clear the demand placed upon our economic system: every day the world wide economy burns an amount of energy the planet required 10,000 days to create." - Paul Hawken, The Ecology of Commerce Not only will we never run out of renewable energy sources, but they are much better for the environment because they don't cause pollution. That means the sooner we switch to using renewable energy, the cleaner the air we breathe and water we drink will become. This, in turn, leads to healthier lungs and stronger bodies.

Examples of renewable energy sources:

  • solar electric
  • solar thermal
  • wind
  • hydroelectric
  • geothermal
  • biomass

Examples of non-renewable energy:

  • gasoline
  • oil
  • coal
  • natural gas
  • uranium

You might not realize it, but you are already using many sources of renewable energy. Every time you fly a kite you are using wind power. When you hang your clothes out to dry you are using solar power. Many calculators are powered by a small solar cell so you don’t have to buy batteries. Many houses get their power from hydroelectric water dams instead of natural gas or oil. The trick is to start replacing non-renewable energy sources with renewable ones so that everyone can live healthier and happier lives.

What are the advantages of renewable energy? Free Energy

The sun shines for all of us, free of charge. And the wind blows for free. But nonrenewable energy sources can cost a great deal. We must remove fossil fuels from the earth and ship them long distances. Oil must be refined before it can be used. This is expensive. We also have to pay to clean up the pollution they cause. And as coal and oil resources become more scarce, their prices increase. The equipment to collect and use solar and wind energy, such as solar panels and wind turbines, costs money. But when you consider that the resource is free for the taking, the overall cost of using solar and wind energy can make them smart choices, especially since solar and wind energy do not pollute our planet.

Power independence

Imagine being in the middle of the dessert or sailing across the ocean, far away from any power lines or gas generators, but still having the power you need to run a radio, satellite phone or laptop computer. It’s possible! All you need to do is tap into Mother Nature’s renewable power sources to produce electricity. Solar panels and wind turbines are now used by families, companies and countries to supply power for houses, buildings and even entire cities.

Renewable energy: The way of the future

Using renewable energy sources to power homes and businesses will soon become the norm. Many researchers believe that by the year 2030, most people will be using alternative energy sources to supply the power they need to heat their houses, drive their car, or just watch television. Many new laws and regulations are envisioned that will encourage us to use renewable energy sources in order to protect the environment. Eventually people might not have any other choice but to use renewable energy. Why not stay ahead of the game? Get educated now and teach others. Maybe you will one day win the Nobel Peace Prize for coming up with new and innovative ways to reduce pollution and help improve everyone’s quality of life. The choice is yours!
Category: Renewable Energy Blog in the Philippines | Added by: Aries (11 Dec 2009)
Views: 7455 | Comments: 1 | Tags: renewable energy, sustainability | Rating: 0.0/0
Total comments: 1
1 Ramesh Mewada   (07 Apr 2011 7:40 PM) [Entry]
sustainable energy source for next generation, if you reduce green house gases by using altrenative energy source it will save our planet and keep our earth in cool condition,

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